Child Development, Normal or Abnormal?

Child Development, Normal or Abnormal?

Observing a child's developing is very interesting. He develops from a baby who lay passive, can then be prone, sitting, standing, walking up to actively running. From not understand anything, babbling, and then be able to speak. This normal developmental process requiring optimal brain development stages according to age.

Among the types of development, the development of fine motor and visual-motor problem solving, and language development is the most important developments to determine the child's intelligence capabilities in the future. If both abilities are well developed, children will show the ability of social relationships and adjustment to the environment is good.

Although the speed of development of each child is different, we must be alert if a child has developmental delay or developmental disorders. The following stages of child development according to their age.
A. Normal Stages of Development of Fine Motor and Visual-Motor Troubleshooting

1. Can be seen - from birth
2. Follow the object through the center line - two months
3. Knowing the existence of small objects - five months

1. Open palms - 3 months
2. Unite the two hand-four months
3. Moving objects between both hands - five months
4. Menjimpit (taken with a finger) is not perfect - 9 months
5. Menjimpit well - 11 months
6. Letting go of things on purpose - 12 months

1. Verifying object - seven to eight months
2. Throwing objects - 9 months
3. Opening the lid toys - 10 months
4. Put the cube under glass - 11 months

1. Scratch - 12 months
2. Imitating a line - 15 months
3. Creating a spontaneous line - 18 months
4. Creating a flat and straight lines - 25 to 27 months
5. Imitating a circle - 30 months
6. Make a circle spontaneous - 3 years

1. Insert seeds into the bottle - 12 months
2. Removing the seed by mimicking - 14 months
3. Removing the seeds spontaneous - 16 months

Compiling CUBE
1. Putting two cubes - 15 months
2. Prepare 3 cubes - 16 months
3. Train with four cubes - 2 years
4. Bridge of three cubes - 3 years
5. The gate of five cubes - 4 years

1. Eating biscuits held - 9 months
2. Drinking from the glass itself - 12 months
3. Using a spoon - 12 months

1. Opening his own clothes - 24 months
2. Wearing a dress - 36 months
3. Unbutton - 36 months
4. Inserting buttons - 48 months
5. Tying shoelaces - 60 months

B. Stages of Language Development

Receptive (understanding)
1. Reacts to sound - at birth
2. Social smile - 5 weeks
3. Orientation to sound - four months
4. Turning to the sound of a bell - 5 - to 9-month
5. Understand the command "Not allowed!" - 8 months
6. Understand orders plus expression - 11 months
7. Understand commands without gestures - 14 months
8. Appoint five body parts mentioned - 17 months

Expressive (speech)
1. "Oooo-ooo" - six weeks
2. "Guu, guuu" - 3 months
3. "A-guuu, a-guuu" - four months
4. Babbling - 4 to 6 months
5. "Dadadada" (mumbling) - 6 months
6. "Da-da, ma-ma" without meaning - 8 months
7. "Dada, mama" with meaning - 10 months
8. The first word besides mama - 11 months
9. The second word - 12 months
10. Three words - 13 months
11. 4-6 words - 15 months
12. 70-20 words - 17 months
13. Short two word sentences - 21 months
14. 50 words - 2 years
15. The sentence consists of two words - two years
16. 250 words - 3 years
17. The sentence consists of three words - 3 years
18. Consisted of 4-5 word sentence - 4 years
19. Storytelling - 4 years
20. Asking the meaning of a word - 4 years
21. Count to 20-4 years

When encountered delays or deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor who visited for regular health check brother. To be able to do the examination to determine if this is a normal variation or a serious disorder. Do not hold on to opinions: "It will also be developing their own" or "Son of merely delayed a bit" without strong evidence, which will result in delayed diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

In addition, the adequacy of the nutrients essential for brain development in children in order to support the maximum. Therefore, provide the best nutrition for children containing AA, DHA and Sphingomyelin that can help optimize brain development. All nutrients are already in Morinaga Chil Chil School Kid and Platinum.

In order for Indonesian children Indonesian Platinum Generation may be capable of standing in line with other global citizens in facing future challenges.

Source: Dr. Hardiono D. Pusponegoro, SPA (K), "Child Development, Normal or Abnormal?"

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