Immunizations Important For Infants and Children

Immunizations are granting immunity to a disease by inserting something into the body so the body resistant to diseases that are endemic or harmful to someone.
Immunization Objectives are:
A. Protect a person against a particular disease (intermediate goal)
  • Lower prevalence of the disease (changing epidemiology of the disease)
  • Eradication of disease (final goal)
Types of immunizations:
  • Get the antibodies that have been formed
  • Maternal antibodies transferred through the placenta during the 3rd trimester
  • Immunoglobin humans for protection against measles
  • Immunoglobin specific for protection against tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis B, rabies
  • Example: tetanus toxoid in pregnant women will reduce the incidence of tetanus meonatorum.
  1. Active Immunization:
  • Given antigen will generate an immune response similar to natural infection
  • Life-long immunological memory
  • Protection against the disease for life
Is to provide protection against infectious disease, provide protection for life, no side effects, and can be administered in combination.
The types of mandatory vaccines in children include:
  1. BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmete Guerine), for providing active immunity against tuberculosis. This vaccine can be given to infants younger than 2 months with a dose of 0.05 ml IK / ID, if infants aged> 2 months can be given Mantoux tests.
  2. Hepatitis B, for providing active immunity against infection caused by hepatitis B virus Various kinds of hepatitis B vaccine: vaccine plasma derivatives and recombinant vaccines.
  3. DPT (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus), for granting immunity simultaneously against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. The basis for DPT 3 times since the age of 2 months and then given again at the age of 18-24 months, 5-7 years and until age 12 years.
  4. Polio, for providing active immunity against poliomyelitis. Measles, for providing active immunity against measles. Can be given as a baby aged 9 months with a dose of 0.5ml SK.
B. Type / All Kinds Vaccine Immunization is recommended in Children:
  1. MMR , Protection diseases: Measles, mumps and German measles Time of administration: Age 1-3 years , Age 4-6 years
  2. Hepatitis A , Protection of disease: Hepatitis A (liver disease), disebabkab by hepatitis A virus Time of administration: - Depending on the situation da condition
  3. Typhoid , Protection of diseases: typhoid fever, caused by salmonella bacteria thypi Time of administration: - Depending on the circumstances
  4. Varisella (chicken pox) , Protection diseases: Chicken pox, caused by the varicella zoster virus Timing of: 1x Age 10-12 years , Age > 13 years of 2x with an interval of 4 to 8 weeks

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