Optimize Growth Little Early

Every parent would want your baby to reach the growth and development of a good and optimal. Child shows characteristics of growth and development in accordance with the stages of his age. Yes, children have a distinctive characteristic, that is always growing and developing since even in the womb until the end of adolescence.

Then, what is meant to grow, flower?

Growth is added the measures and the number of cells and tissues in the body, look at increasing the physical size and structure or form of the child's body. Parameters assessed in the growth of body weight, length or height, and circular heads.

The development is the increasing function of the body become more complex, especially in the ability of coarse motion, fine motion, speech and language as well as social and self-reliance. In this development process is extremely important function of the brain and central nervous, so it will be an interaction between the central nervous system maturation is influenced by the organ.

While childhood is divided into several periods of time, namely:
1. Period in the womb
2. Babyhood
3. Preschool period
4. Early school age
5. Adolescence
Why grown-developed into one of the most important factor to be considered a parent?

In a lengthy period of above, there are actually two time periods is crucial for the growth and development of a child, namely in the womb, especially during the growth process, the organs of children and the first three years after the child was born. This relates to the growth and development of the brain and central nervous system which will regulate development of children in general.

Now, in order to achieve optimal growth and development for children, there are several factors that affect it, namely:
1. Race / ethnicity or nation.
2. Family factors, especially from his parents.
3. The age factor.
4. Sexes.
5. Genetic factors.
In addition, there are also external factors (external) to be considered, among them:
1. Considered an important nutritional factor.
2. Giving affection will give security and confidence in children.
3. Fulfillment will be given early stimulation
4. Environment.

good luck..!!


Edwin's Personal Blog said...

thanks infonya mas..
I'm awaiting my newborn baby, this share would be much useful for me..

Blog Ekspor Impor said...

parents need to apprehend their children's life stages for optimizing their growth..

edy said...

mas edwin :
hopefully the baby will be born safely.
blog ekspor...
appropriate, to build a better nation.

mzifock said...

so it will be an interaction between the central nervous system maturation is influenced by the organ ??

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